Going To Vegas

Las Vegas Jobs

Mon, Jan 14, 2013

People are often surprised to learn that Las Vegas has your run-of-the mill jobs just like any city. There are offices that have nothing to do with the Strip or tourism. We have people to pick up our garbage each week, call centers, sales, gas stations, supermarkets, car lots, agencies of different sorts and every other entity that generally employs people. Las Vegas does have some unique positions you won’t find in every city, at least not in the numbers you will find here in Las Vegas. We will go over some of the more interesting jobs, then some of the regular casino jobs that are easier to get here in Vegas, and that

often pay quite a bit more than in other cities due to Vegas’ unique position as the world’s adult playground and being the number one tourist destination.

Note About the Economy

Right now the Vegas economy is poor, and it is hard to find a job. Keep in mind that, as goes U.S. job outlook and economy, so goes Vegas to like the tenth degree. When the economy is bad and jobs are scarce, Vegas is hit worse. When the economy is good, Las Vegas booms. This is true for most tourist towns.